The circulating collection includes fiction and non-fiction titles, organized by the Dewey Decimal System. Fiction is located on the lower-level of the library, and non-fiction is located on the upper-level of the library.
To search for print books, please use our online catalog.
When books are checked out, the cadet/student assumes responsibility for them. Cadets/students should NOT pass along library books to a friend/classmate; instead they should return the book, and have the next cadet/student check it out themselves.
Circulation Policies for Cadets/Students:
Cadets/students may check out books for a period of one-month, or the end-of-the-semester, whichever comes first. Books are typically renewable should there be a need for longer access. Non-returned books will be billed at the end of the semester at the cost to replace the book plus a $10 processing fee.
Circulation Policies for Faculty and Staff:
Faculty and Staff may check out books for a period of one-semester; books due at the end of each semester. Books are typically renewable should there be a need for longer access. Non-returned books will be billed at the end of the semester at the cost to replace the book plus a $10 processing fee.